
Friday, January 31, 2014

How To Get Rid Of Dandruff Fast Naturally

Hi, John here once again, today is February 1, 2014, and I'm applying virgin coconut oil to my eyebrow and scalp to get rid of my dandruff fast for the 5th time. We are mostly interested in How To Get Rid Of Dandruff Fast ..but I have an idea, what if we also ask how we get dandruff fast? what triggers dandruff and how we unknowingly make our dandruff problem worse? Did it ever occur to you that getting rid of dandruff fast must have to do on how we got it in the first place and how others make it worst?

If you research on the internet you will learn that the causes of dandruff and itchy scalp are triggered and worsened by some of the factors that we can easily contribute and unaware of. There are different types of dandruff, there are severe dandruff and you may have a chronic dandruff. I'm not really sure if we can really get rid of dandruff forever, meaning that it wont come back.

Remember that we are not born with dandruff so its clear that at some point in time we came across the dandruff agent or germs, so when we have dandruff on our eyebrow and scalp and able to get rid of it fast using natural home remedies like applying virgin coconut oil or using an anti dandruff shampoo such as head and shoulder or Nizoral shampoo, we might someday get dandruff again. I believe that all we can do with dandruff is control it, control the flaking, the scaling and at least remove it for a while. Of course if I can get rid of dandruff forever using the best dandruff shampoo then i will be hands will be free from scratching my scalp.

Here are the factors that I truly believe contributed to the triggering and worsening of my eyebrow and scalp dandruff.

Excessive sweating, I play outdoor ping pong game most of the time, like 3 to 5 times a week and outdoor is hot, dusty, windy, so I always be sweating all over. I only wipe out the body sweats but never mind the sweats in my eyebrow and head, so if we can only use a clean cloth and wipe our eyebrows thoroughly and then rub and clean our scalp with soap and water 4 hours after we play outdoor games, this can help avoid the triggering of dandruff. So if Exposure to extreme temperatures, meaning too hot like playing outdoor ping pong game in a tropical country from 1pm to 5pm then yes im exposed to too much sun's heat. Too cold places like air conditioned room can also be considered a extreme temperatures, I noticed my officemates way back 2005 all have dandruff problem, One of them have a severe dandruff problem that his ears and eyebrows are almost white.

Insufficient washing of shampoo bubbles or residue or maybe forgot to use shampoo sometimes and even worst is that we use a shampoo that irritates our scalp then triggers dandruff. Every time I take a bath I also use shampoo like head and shoulders but I always forgot to clean my head thoroughly, I should wash it with a lot of water, then rub it with the towel and let it dry, completely dry my scalp.

Poor hygiene, now what does it mean? Honestly sometimes I don't take a bath since I'm just in my office doing my daily task which is all computer and internet work. Do I sweat a lot? Not since i use electric fan, yes I don't have air conditioner yet and I don't like an air-conditioned room, it makes me sick and get cold and cough easily which give us a hint that i have a poor immune system. Also, I use some common things such as comb, just like the pink comb you saw in my video. I'm not saying I get my dandruff from my sister or parents, all im saying is that it can be considered as poor hygiene.

Here are the factors that I think contributed but I'm not sure if i really have this and how to do it and no time to do it for now..

Poor immune system, though we now have a clue for it, but I don't know what to do with it for now, I will talk about it later. Stress, we all experience this, and sometimes I get too much of this but sorry I can't expand this one yet but I will research it later too.

So If we are interested in How To Get Rid Of Dandruff Fast Naturally, do you agree that we should also learn how dandruff grow fast into our scalp ? I believe we should be, its like reverse engineering concept.

By the way, in the video I was talking about using a blue sponge to easily apply the virgin coconut oil into my eyebrow and scalp, I mention this since before i find it messy having coconut oil into my finger that i have to wash it.. and when i try to stop the camera recording, the camera gets coconut oil too.. so i guess this helps a little. First the sponge can absorbed the coconut oil easily, then you can rub more oil into your skin then clean the sponge easily. Its a simple change but it helps a lot.

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